Did You Know?

Many dream of being financially stable, owning a home, and enjoying time with family. The harsh reality is that over 50% of Latinos residing in the United States do not own a home [1], and among this same population, over 50% do not have a sufficient bank account [2]. The same population was less successful than other populations when answering basic financial literacy questions [3]. With proper financial education, all Latinos can achieve their financial dreams.

Much More Needs to Be Done

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Carlos Astrada, Tech Entrepreneur

Carlos Astrada, a first-generation American, saw the predatory lending practices and lack of financial inclusion that plagued the Latino community in the United States first-hand. Despite meteoric growth in population as well as political and economic clout, the Latino community continues to be underserved. Much more needs to be done. As a tech entrepreneur, Carlos and his team built Super Monedero with the goal to be the premiere financial education and inclusion platform for the US Latino Community.

Premiere Financial Education and Inclusion Platform for the US Latino Community

Super Monedero is Latino First ®. All advice and recommendations are vetted by our team to ensure that only the best information is provided.

[1]: http://hispanicwealthproject.org/shhr/2015-SHHR-FINAL-FF.pdf

[2]: https://www.fdic.gov/householdsurvey/2015/2015execsumm.pdf

[3]: https://www.fdic.gov/householdsurvey/2015/2015execsumm.pdf